
Some people paint and some people draw as part of their therapy. I’m not very good with paint or pencils but I do know my way around computers and graphic software. It’s for these reasons that I chose digital as the medium for my artwork.

I mentioned therapy in the previous sentence because that is exactly why I do digital art having been diagnosed with severe PTSD/Depression in 2019 after an almost 30 year career as a firefighter. It just so happens that that very fact opens up a wide area of inspiration for specific PTSD art pieces. Please make note that some of the PTSD related art pieces deal with incredibly difficult issues and may be triggering to some.

I use my PTSD artwork to not only help me process my own traumas but to also help educate others on the many facets of a battle with PTSD. I do the surreal artwork more to give myself a break from the PTSD artwork which can be incredibly mentally/emotionally taxing. The graphic design projects came about more from others who saw my creative abilities and sought out my help to bring their vision and ideas to life.

For those who may be so inclined, YES all of my artwork is available for purchase. If you’re interested send me an email and we can chat.