
Throughout my mental health journey I have collaborated with a handful of different organizations all trying to help 1st responders in their own unique ways. I consider myself fortunate that I have and had the opportunities to collaborate with these like minded organizations.

Boots On The Ground Peer Support For First Responders

I am a volunteer call taker and Area Manager for Boots On The Ground Peer Support. I’ve volunteered since November of 2022 and was asked to become an area manager in mid 2023. As an area manager I oversee and provide support for approximately 40-50 volunteers who reside in the following areas of the province:

Peer and Trauma Support Systems

I am currently a peer support specialist with Mood Disorders Society of Canada and am the fire focused P.A.T.S.S. facilitator responsible for delivering this peer support program primarily to the fire service.

Badge of Life Canada

Initially I was a participant of the weekly peer support meetings and eventually became one of a handful of peer supporters. I was eventually asked to become one of two co-managers of Peer Support and Training. As the workload increased and the organization completed its restructuring, I chose to use the opportunity to redirect my efforts and focus in a slightly different direction.

Wings of Change Peer Support

Initially I was a participant of the weekly peer support meetings and eventually became one of a few peer supporters and meeting facilitators. As the organization found a new National Coordinator and “retooled” its operations and having achieved all I had set out to accomplish, I used the opportunity to move on from Wings of Change.

Can Praxis For Veterans and First Responders Equine-Assisted Therapy For Operational Stress Injuries

Upon request, I provided at no cost, many different graphic images for use as social media banners and posters that were displayed on the Can Praxis social media channels. I also assisted in the development of an age appropriate coloring book for children of veterans and first responders battling PTSD and participating in the Breaking the Cycle family program.

Below are just a few of the many graphic images I created and provided to Can Praxis

First Responders Are Human

I was one of 6 founding members of this grassroots movement to encourage mental wellness of first responders through various forms of physical movement. The organization spanned the Can/US border with 3 of the founding members from the US.

Red Friday

I provided many different graphic images for use as posters, certificates, crests/badges and two custom art pieces (that were to be auctioned to raise money).

Below are just a few of the many graphic images I created and provided to Red Friday.

Rob Leathen
Rob Leathen
Leathen Educational Services

When We Recover Loudly, We Keep Others From Dying Quietly