Suicide Intervention Training

Suicide is preventable and everyone has a role to play. With workshops that teach life-saving skills LivingWorks is here to help.

LivingWorks ASIST is the gold standard 2-day interactive skills-based workshop that prepares participants to provide suicide first-aid using a unique 6-task model.

LivingWorks ASISTprovides a suicide first-aid intervention model for anyone who wants to learn life-saving skills. It can also be incorporated into more formal, professional helping roles.

LivingWorks ASIST participants will be better able to:

  • Provide suicide first-aid intervention with increased willingness, confidence, and capacity,
  • Develop a safety plan to keep the person thinking about suicide safe-for-now.
  • Apply a safety framework to guide the collaborativedevelopment of this safety plan.

Through extensive skills practice and trainer facilitated workgroups, LivingWorks ASIST offers participants a life-assisting intervention model that contributes to the development of suicide-safer communities and an overall Network of Safety.

For more detailed information or if you are interested in having a workshop put on (proposal can be provided) please contact me.
Rob Leathen
Rob Leathen
Leathen Educational Services

When We Recover Loudly, We Keep Others From Dying Quietly